Well-being Driven Work: an alternative to work-life balance and integration

A 2-minute read.

Are you exhausted from chasing work-life balance?

I am!

Here's why I'm choosing well-being driven work instead. 

We are bombarded by messaging that tells us we can have it all if we just achieve work-life balance. Others are yelling at us that work-life balance is a sham and the real path to happiness is work-life integration. Recently, I saw a new marketing variation of how we're supposed to live our best life through life-work integration. Seriously.

Regardless of what it's called, the message is still the same: your work and your life are equals.

That's where I call bulls**t.

Your work is not your identity. Your life is vastly more important. There should not be a balance or an integration of the two. Your well-being should drive your work. Your well-being stands alone as the single priority. If you are not well, then your work will suffer. Your relationships, your health, your finances, your mental wellness - it all suffers. 

But, if you focus on your well-being as the singular priority then all other aspects of your life grow and thrive, including your work. 

I'm quitting the chase for work-life balance or work-life integration. My life is more important. I'm choosing to drive my professional success by prioritizing my well-being. No balance required. No trade-off. Just laser focus on what will fuel my health and wellness knowing that one of the many positive results will be achieving my best professionally. I love working. I love contributing. And, I love feeling well personally even more. 

I don't have all the answers but I know I don't want to walk this path alone. 

So, Welcome to Well-being Driven Work! This free newsletter is my attempt to create a space for learning and growth that helps us all progress in a practice of well-being first that also leads to a thriving and meaningful career. 

Pivotal resources that have made a huge impact on my perspective:

We'll dive deeper in future newsletters so that we can learn practical actions together to tangibly improve well-being. Excelling at our careers and having a thriving life are not mutually exclusive. I believe we can have both if we make well-being the engine of progress. 

Well wishes, 


P.S. Our commitment to well-being extends to your inbox. No spam, no affiliate links, and your information will never ever be shared with a 3rd party.